Saturday, August 7, 2010


As i step further down the path that is my life i have to ask myself and now, in essence, you why? Why do I feel nothing, no darkness in night no brightness in day, no's as if a while back someone simply pulled the plug on my heart. I can't feel love anymore than saddness.........the only emotion that can be expressed is anger! anger at the losses of life, anger in the losses in love! It's as if i tried to bleed all my bad blood out and found that all of it lay on the ground, that all the hope and light I once held lay right beside the darkend sorrow, that all of me is gone, that all of me.............maybee im just crazy, maybee ive just put up walls because of all the heart break i felt earlier in life, from the fact that i legitmatly fell in love with people who felt it was a frivalous word, maybee i was crazy all along and now im finally sane..................maybe i just wanna feel....................maybe maybes are frivalous words thrown out when a persons to scared to go down that dark tunnel, maybe im crazy for thanking im crazy, maybee were all crazy, maybe just you are for reading this. im going to find out, im going to light the dark tunnels with napalm and see what demons come scurrying out............................... i like that idea use my only emotion felt to route out its brothers...................nite i gotta lot to thank bout n i gotta figure out how to light a torch!

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