Saturday, August 7, 2010


broke broke broke be my motto
to echo through the eternity of bill collectors and high gas prices
god hath not forsaken me but certainly he doth torture me
in an attempt to satiate his quest for control
by taking away that which your comfortable with to show you the world as it is
a land of battle where both sinner and saint battle, not against each-other but beside each-other for we are all brothers
some simply fall quicker than others
so as i lay awake
this case of insomnia i lie in wake of
i wonder, if money is transitory, why bother
if matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration why not simply create
create a new eden, an eden to squelch out the friends in digital ages, the soda pops, the endless buildings
tear it all down
there needs to be enough eden to go around
but alas thats not where our souls are bound
so shoulder to Hitler and Gandhi and push back the tide if only to keep us for a moment longer in this concrete desert

12 o'clock and alone

My self
my self
my self
my own
my oh so lonely only
my life when shes not around
my life to which i am bound
forever missing her when she is gone
forever joyus when shes around
forever and ever
forever and ever
forever and ever

life of a coke man

Hair a mess, just been dressed
eyes bloodshot from all this stress
no one to talk to
none to hold
your job makes you ever old
paranoia creeping in
is this gods punishment for all your sin
thinking of your loverlies in bed
that thought alone fills you with dread
for another twelver in a cue
stocking, ordering, in painful shoes

and hey it's still three hours before anyone else gets up
you picked your poison coca-cola man not quit your bitchin' and man up

With out words to describe

Behind my mask no more,
I found someone to be with forever more,
Someone you can handle seeing the alien i really am,
Someone who needs nothing of money , bright lights, or glam
I actually miss this person while she's away
Both my love for and thoughts of her grow each day

She's is someone i'd willing shed my life's blood for
Yet the first person who's love it's not required for
No more dwindling down my hopes and dreams
Hoping a land of peace, the new path leads
No more crying
No more fighting
No more dying on the inside
So now i must reside
In the house that love built
Becoming a "more" man while my heart adamant

That i may actually survive this crash landing on earth with my happiness intact
                                             Best Regards,
                                                                  Love Struck Alien

Welcome To The Brain Drain

Alone yet resolute
Lonely but no longer a failure
Craving someone, yet too scarred to see my options
Happily away from the one who caused me harm
my soul now free to wander towards whatever future goal god has set me towards
Though I realize that her betrayal has irrevocably altered my course
I shall simply seek to prove myself to the only person i should have been to begin with
I will become a ravenous and selfish beast and for this fact alone I know what that means
more loneliness, less sadness, less drama, less caring if I offended an endlessly upset girl
yet no hugging, no kissing, no one to wake up next to, no one to pour out my love towards

But hell at least we weren't married when she started fucking someone else

Simple request

naked in a swarm of maggots as my soul simply tries to rot in peace
discontented by the slings and arrows that tore me assunder
discontented by a death that was birthed by someone else

why must my heart hurt for others misfourtuune
why must my hand be slapped for others misdeeds
this death was meant for them not I

It wasn't me who stole from you in the early years
It wasn't me who killed you're son
It wasn't me who ignored you for so long that you thought I was deaf
It wasn't me but I must go on draped in their garb and surrounded by the smell of their demise

I simply ask you give me the strength to pull my helmet snug and fight my way through their drauma and malign misfourtune.

a simple request but one that carries the burden of a thousand generations with it


As i step further down the path that is my life i have to ask myself and now, in essence, you why? Why do I feel nothing, no darkness in night no brightness in day, no's as if a while back someone simply pulled the plug on my heart. I can't feel love anymore than saddness.........the only emotion that can be expressed is anger! anger at the losses of life, anger in the losses in love! It's as if i tried to bleed all my bad blood out and found that all of it lay on the ground, that all the hope and light I once held lay right beside the darkend sorrow, that all of me is gone, that all of me.............maybee im just crazy, maybee ive just put up walls because of all the heart break i felt earlier in life, from the fact that i legitmatly fell in love with people who felt it was a frivalous word, maybee i was crazy all along and now im finally sane..................maybe i just wanna feel....................maybe maybes are frivalous words thrown out when a persons to scared to go down that dark tunnel, maybe im crazy for thanking im crazy, maybee were all crazy, maybe just you are for reading this. im going to find out, im going to light the dark tunnels with napalm and see what demons come scurrying out............................... i like that idea use my only emotion felt to route out its brothers...................nite i gotta lot to thank bout n i gotta figure out how to light a torch!