Saturday, August 7, 2010

i cant think of a title call it "just read it"

Death will be the only thing that saves you in the end . No undone sin or unspoken scoff, no rule left unbroken could ever save you! Nothing in this ever changing, ever insulting, ever self centered world could ever come close righting the insurmountable wrongs we have wracked our fathers heart with! We have spit in the face of the only man that will ever love us, the only man that will be there for us no matter our predicament, we have spit in his face and beat his son to death and yet he still stays by us! Nothing in our rotting wrags our derlict belongings could ever be concidered a sacrifice that would clear our debts! Death, death is the only saving grace, the death of our fathers son for whom we are not even worthy of concidering our brother but more a trancendence of our fathers love! i tell you now that we should concern ourselves with the here and now for all this is dying, we should concern ourselves with the death that brought life, from the spilt blood that caused the earth to quake, with the crown that no man could bear, with the crushing saddness our father felt at the loss! You go to your beds and dream of your promotions and the girl that made eyes with you! I go to house that my father builtfor me with his own hands!

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