Saturday, August 7, 2010


ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!! This world with all it's disgusting ironies, sycophantic dillusions of power at the cost of it's soul makes me want to explode with rage! I want the hate i hold inside to erupt out of my soul and flood the world with it's sickening taste! i want it to burst dams flood streams and destroy all that society built! Society, ha more like a Convulted facism based on the false princible that we are not important that we are not unique that we do not need to feel anything outside wat they program into us with television and music, the we are to become all one being in the image of our destroyer in the image of our own dillusional selfrightousness! Burst the dams blow the buildings to rubble and raise all that mankind created in smoldering rubble so that we can finally have no more connection to ourselves, so that christ can piece us back in his image, let his skillful carpenters hands rebuild the world in a way that none of us could ever begin to try.

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